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Carbonic Anhydrase.

This page shows some interactive JSmol views of human carbonic anhydrase, a hydrolytic zinc metalloenzyme. Explore the structures for yourself:

The first figure, [CA 1], shows an overview of the metalloenzyme unit. Note that one side of the protein combrises a "wall" of β-sheet and the three His ligands are anchored there.
The [second figure [CA 2] shows the active site of the enzyme. The Zn2+ ion (green) is 4-coordinate and its coordination geometry is approximately tetrahedral. The ligands are 3 His residues and one H2O/OH-; the carbon dioxide is in the pocket but has not yet reacted. The coordinated H2O/OH- is hydrogen bonded to a Thr residue, which is itself hydrogen bonded to a Glu residue. This chain assists in deprotonating the water molecule.


A later stage of the process is shown in figure [CA 3]. The OH- has carried out a nucleophilic attack on the δ+ carbon atom of CO2, resulting in formation of a bound HCO3- group (H atom not shown).

Finally, [CA 4] shows the van der Waals surface of the protein, the zinc and carbonate ions are shown in ball & stick style - note the restricted access to the active site. This channel provides the route for CO2 to enter and HCO3- to leave.

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Written by V. McKee based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow.
updated November 2019.
This will be the viewer still of jmol image

Data from: Structural Study of X-Ray Induced Activation of Carbonic Anhydrase. Sjoblom, B., Polentarutti, M., Djinovic-Carugo, K. (2009) Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 106: 10609-10613 (PDB codes 2VVA and 2VVB).

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